I am Rick te Molder. In 2017 I founded RTM INNOVATIONS.
RTM INNOVATIONS advises and guides financial services companies in developing and implementing relevant innovations.
Background and experience
I have 20 years experience of innovation in financial services at home and abroad. I am co-founder of online mortgage provider MoneYou. I led projects in Spain, Italy and Turkey. And I developed and introduced financial advice via webcam for a bank in 2011.
In the past four years I focused on the pension market. For a premium pension institution, I developed a group pension product. For a bank, I developed a strategy how to seize the opportunities that arise in the pension sector.
Why did I start RTM INNOVATIONS?
I have always been intrigued by the question: why are innovations successful in some occasions and less so in other?
Over the years I developed a feel for this. But I never took the time to think about it in more depth. In the last year I talked about this to a lot of people and read about it a lot. This has put my own experience in perspective.
Based on this new understanding, I developed an approach that will maximize your chance of success.
More info or a consultation?
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