"Shrinking to greatness?"

You want service your customers. Your focus may be on lowering your costs, digitizing processes and adapting to the new regulatory environment. This occupies resources you cannot otherwise allocate to innovation. 

Return on innovation

Because resources are scarse, you want those allocated to innovation to be as effective as possible. To ensure that your organisation benefits from the opportunities your people create.

Do you intend to:

  • Innovate in products or services?
  • Develop your digital channels?
  • Enter new markets?
  • Experiment with alternative business models?
  • Develop or co-create new startups?

RTM INNOVATIONS challenges you and your people in their thinking and assists in strategy formulation, ideation and execution.



  • Identifying trends and opportunities
  • Gaining insights into the real needs of customers
  • Developing business model and business case


  • Developing propositions via design sprints
  • Building and testing a realistic prototype
  • Developing a pitch deck to convince investors


  • Leading development sprints
  • Coordinating implementation
  • Coordinating the launch